Flyer Distribution/Peachjar
community e-flyers
Grants Pass School District 7 collaborates with community groups and organizations that sponsor activities of an educational/enrichment nature for students by distributing materials digitally to parents via Peachjar. If you would like to request flyer approval, please follow the steps outlined. Once approved, your flyer will be emailed to all families and posted online. Paper flyers from outside organizations are no longer distributed.
Your flyer will be automatically submitted to the district office for approval. Once approved, your flyer will be emailed to parents and posted on each school’s web flyerboard for your selected duration of time. Peachjar charges a fee for this service that is typically much less than the cost of printing, bundling, and distributing paper flyers. In addition, because flyer information is distributed via email and through the district website, the information shared receives greater exposure. Note: Peachjar offers a Community Free Flyer program which allows local community organizations offering free programs to distribute flyers at no cost if approved.
If you have any questions, please contact Peachjar at
flyer guidelines
Flyers that will be considered must:
- Originate from a local non-profit organization that serves Grants Pass School District 7 students or;
- originate from a city, county, state or federal government agency and;
- provide an educational or enrichment service that may directly benefit students and;
- not be religious or political in nature.
Beginning August 1, 2021 all flyers must be submitted in both English and Spanish for consideration. English and Spanish versions should be uploaded as one PDF file.
Steps to Submit
- Visit the Peachjar Registration Page
- Register as a Community Organization (account type)
- Upload your flyer for approval in both English and Spanish
- English and Spanish versions should be uploaded as one PDF file with the title in English and Spanish. (Example: Soccer Camp/Campamento de fútbol)
- Flyer should contain the name and contact information of the sponsoring entity
- Grants Pass School District 7 will evaluate the educational value of the materials or advertisements, and whether the materials or advertisements support the mission and vision of the district. You can view our board policy for solicitations HERE.
If approved, the following disclaimer will be posted with your flyer:
“This program or activity is not sponsored nor endorsed by Grants Pass School District 7. The district accepts no liability or responsibility for the program/activity. The distribution or display of this material is provided as a community service.”
School or Parent Groups
Your school's Peachjar Site Administrator (often the office manager) can upload flyers to the school's Peachjar account. You can send your flyers to the Site Administrator for uploading.
NOTE: If a school will be having an event open to the entire school community, schools may send e-flyers to the district office to send to other schools. Send your e-flyer (in English & Spanish) to Kristin Hosfelt, and specify which schools you wish to receive the flyer.
All school flyers to be distributed must adhere to the distribution procedures outlined above, but do not need to include disclaimer.