Behavioral Support
Goal 2
We will develop clear multi-tiered intervention and support systems to help students access educational opportunities, experience educational success, and reduce student behavior disruptions to learning.
Objective 1: Reduce classroom clears, classroom disruptions and classroom defiance by 10% from the baseline data and each subsequent year will see a 3% decrease from the previous year’s data to increase instructional time and enhance learning.
Objective 2: Reduce drug and alcohol related incidents by 5% from the 2023-24 baseline data in 24-25 school year and each subsequent year will see a 3% decrease from the previous year’s data to increase instructional time and enhance learning.
Objective 3: Calibration of district-wide behavior systems by September of 2026 and annual systems review and recalibration.
Objective 4: Make connections and solicit the support of at least two new community resources by September 2025.
We will...
Assign a director to oversee and address the goal of developing clear multi-tiered systems and being a support and monitor for GPSD7 Behavioral Supports and Interventions by August 2024.
Invest additional funds for supporting behavior interventions.
Establish three elementary Stepping Stones Classrooms by 2024.
Train staff in research-based methodologies for de-escalation and regulation.
Strengthen partnerships with community mental and behavioral health supports.
Articulate and incorporate a drug and alcohol education and prevention program into our elementary and middle schools in cooperation with Grants Pass Public Safety, Josephine County Prevention or other agencies.
Ensure that the second steps “healthy choices,” curriculum at the elementary level is taught with fidelity throughout the district.
Align AVID K-12.
- Calibrate Systems
Learning Centers (2025)
- Documentation (2025)
- Data Analysis (2025)
- PBIS at all schools (2025)
- Universal Screening tool at all elementary schools (2025)
- SEL/Curriculum (2026)
- Behavior Interventions (T1-T3) (2026)
- Ongoing System Reviews:
- New teachers to the District
Learning Center employees
Staff training as needed
Staff Training