Employee Retention
Goal 4
We will recruit the most qualified, enthusiastic educators and increase employee retention by providing a work environment that values staff contributions, promotes well-being, and capitalizes on talents and potential.
Objective 1: Maintain a system to track data on openings, hirings, retention rate, and employee survey information.
We will...
Collect the number of applicants over each year and track them according to job categories.
Track retention rate by measuring the percentage of staff that accept contracts for the following year.
Conduct Exit interviews with outgoing staff members and track results.
Utilize staff survey information to gauge employee satisfaction.
Ensure all employees have an opportunity to complete surveys.
Objective 2: Develop and maintain staff recruitment that provides a broad selection of qualified employees.
We will...
Create updated promotional materials.
Identify and attend career fairs that fit our hiring needs.
Create and maintain strong connections with teacher education programs.
Conduct job fairs for Classified Staff.
Utilize and encourage our current staff to recruit highly qualified prospective employees.
Educate our outgoing students/incoming workforce on careers available in our district by utilizing our Career Education program at the high school
Expand the “grow your own” program to include more funding for Classified staff going back to school by September 2028.
We will cast a wide net in recruiting the most qualified and enthusiastic educators for District 7. We strive to have hiring practices that value the diversity of our community.
Develop and maintain a Leadership development program for our staff who show leadership potential by September 2025.
Objective 3: Retain quality employees by developing a system of support and training.
We will...
Support early career teachers through mentoring and instructional coaching at all levels by September 2027.
Support and partner with the Classified Association to expand the mentoring system across all job categories by September of 2026.
Continue to refine and expand onboarding procedures for all new employees.
Annually review Classified wages and benefits in comparison to other districts to ensure competitive wages. We will close the gaps in areas we are below the regional average by September 2027.
Fund extra-duty contracts for staff to organize a comprehensive staff wellness program by September 2027, strengthening and expanding it.
Expand and develop staff professional development for all staff that fits their needs.
Develop a district-wide workplace recognition program to honor excellence among employee groups by June 2025.
Ensure our lowest classified starting wage will be 5% above minimum wage by September 2025.