Optimal Facilities
Goal 6
We will support Grants Pass School District 7 Strategic Plan goals by creating and maintaining optimal learning environments* for projected student populations over the next 40 years.
*An optimal physical learning environment can significantly affect concentration, engagement and learning. This includes lighting (natural and quality electric), seating, acoustics, temperature and ventilation, size, organization and layout and displays and color that support current and future learning strategies and teaching methods.
Objective 1: Create optimal learning environments for our students.
We will...
- Complete a demographic study to analyze future student enrollment patterns by August of 2024.
Identify parcels of land that support the District’s future growth and create strategies to acquire them by July of 2025.
Create a building replacement schedule and strategies for servicing/maintaining through debt service and/or bonds by July of 2027.
Identify opportunities to upgrade learning environments that will increase student outcomes.
Objective 2: Maintain optimal learning environments.
We will...
- Develop a comprehensive maintenance plan to support existing facilities by July of 2025.
Create a cost-loaded schedule for major system replacement that is a part of the budget process by Jan of 2025. We acknowledge that optimal and well-maintained facilities increase student outcomes, therefore we will create a budget process that prioritizes facilities.
Evaluate and implement an asset management system that will help us create an intentional replacement plan by August of 2026.
Develop a standardized work flow plan for maintenance needs/request by 2025.