Homeless Resources
McKinney-Vento Act
The McKinney-Vento Act’s Education of Homeless Children and Youth Program ensures that homeless children and youth are provided a free, appropriate public education, despite lack of a fixed place of residence or a supervising parent or guardian. The Oregon state public school admission statute assuring the right of homeless and other children and youth in similar circumstances to enroll in schools is ORS 399.115(7).
Even in the best of times, many families struggle with their housing situation. Under the Federal McKinney-Vento Act, the school district works diligently to help students and families with their situation. Our homeless advocates can connect families to a variety of local resources. Beyond a safe and secure living condition, our top priority is to help keep students in their home school, also known as a school of origin. The school district can even help with transportation so a student's education is not interrupted.
Contact US
Vanessa Jones
Director of Special Services
(541) 474-5706
Casey Weinman
Administrative Assistant
(541) 474-5706
Brandy Stromme
The Maslow Project - Case Manager
(541) 474-5710 x10109
Cell: (541) 841-1974
Tony Mendenhall
Hearts With a Mission - Shelter Coordinator
(541) 956-4190
Community Resources
Josephine County Food Bank locations and hours. (Updated November 2022)
Click here for a list of local resources like medical resources, transportation assistance, and employment services.
211 Info search by service type and location.
Local Partners
The Grants Pass School District is pleased to partner with The Maslow Project. Originally founded in Jackson County, The Maslow Project has expanded their support and services to serve homeless families in Josephine County.
Hearts With a Mission serves homeless, runaway, and transitional youth ages 10 through 17 who are in crisis, by providing shelter, educational support, mentoring, family reunification and transition planning with a faith-based approach. For more information, please visit the Hearts with a Mission website.
If you know a student who is experiencing a homeless living situation, even for a short period of time, please contact us right away.
For More Information
Click here for more information on the McKinney-Vento Act and homelessness from the Department of Education.
Click here to go the Oregon Department of Education's Homeless Education Program website.